Workshop is the complete information technology system for management of Maintenance operations, information and documentation on the Machine Fleet.
Maintenance operations carried out on the Vehicles are managed as job lots; these allow all the items relating to a given maintenance operation to be summarised and set down in the accounts, so that it is possible to record not only the number of hours work carried out in-house and the materials used, but also any third party services. Specific attention has also been given to aspects relating to monitoring the availability of vehicles for service: at any time it is, in fact, possible to learn the situation in terms of vehicles stopped, vehicles available and the vehicles necessary to provide the service.
To date, over 70 Italian firms use the Workshop procedure on a day-to-day basis to manage the maintenance of over 12,000 buses and coaches that travel 280,000,000 kilometres per year.
To date, over 70 Italian firms use the Workshop procedure on a day-to-day basis to manage the maintenance of over 12,000 buses and coaches that travel 280,000,000 kilometres per year.
Management of maintenance budget

The module allows to foresee and set up all expenditure items related to the maintenance planning of the enterprise fleet or plant.
The module allows to:
- Compare each expenditure item of the budget with the data for the same period in order to highlight possible deviations between expected amounts and actual expenditure.
- Check whether the available workforce (hours) is sufficient to carry out the activities scheduled for the period or if some activities are to be carried out by external suppliers.
The module allows to:
- Compare each expenditure item of the budget with the data for the same period in order to highlight possible deviations between expected amounts and actual expenditure.
- Check whether the available workforce (hours) is sufficient to carry out the activities scheduled for the period or if some activities are to be carried out by external suppliers.
Information database and document archives

The form can be used to record all the details of the Company Vehicle Fleet that are of interest.
Particular attention has been given to document management; for each company Asset it is possible to connect and view documents and images in any format (txt, doc, xls, pdf, dwg, jpeg,), graphic images obtained by scanner and relating to technical characteristics, instruction manuals, registration cards, vehicle and machinery cards, photos of damage, purchase orders and invoices for work carried out externally.
Consumption and distances travelled

This form can be used to manage refuelling (fuel and lubricants) and distances travelled.
Management can be manual or automatic, with direct upload of data from computerised refuelling devices or from invoices in electronic form. For each vehicle, the form can be used to record refuelling operations and the relevant distance travelled and/or working hours, calculating statistics and averages. Each refuelling operation is associated with a fuel pump, so as to allow management not only of fuel consumption and distances travelled by the vehicles, but also the state of the fuel pump in terms of filling and withdrawing.
Due dates

This form can be used to manage the due dates, and relevant costs, of road tax, insurance, MOT tests, cleaning, certification, etcÉ for each vehicle in the company fleet.
Due dates are set down in a table that is managed by the user, and can thus be expanded according to individual company needs.
The form can also be used to trigger automatic notifications, relating to the due date in question, which are shown to the operator when the program opens.
Overview of Alternating Components

This form can be used to manage the alternating components in a vehicle, for example the engine, gearbox, differential, ticket machines, trailers, tyres, etc., including all relevant information and all operations necessary for assembly, dismantling, dispatch for work and return to stock. It is possible to reconstruct the history of the component from the time of purchase to the moment it is decommissioned, tracing all the operations carried out on the various assets.
Notification of malfunction

This Form can be used to manage the malfunctions encountered on a vehicle, both those noted during service and those found directly by workshop staff when carrying out maintenance operations.
Particular attention has been given to the ability to trace notifications generated by the onboard information technology systems (AVM/AVL) automatically, with the option of triggering automatic dispatch of an sms to the workshop managers.
Planned Maintenance

This form can be used to enter the possible maintenance to be performed for each type of asset, specifying the operations to be carried out, the frequency (days, hours and km) and a notification range from first (the operation will be required soon) to last (the operation should have been carried out).It is also possible to provide for automatic management of one-time-only maintenance operations that are only carried out initially. Customised maintenance plans, due dates with levels of indication based on urgency, planned maintenance set out in graphic form on wall charts.
Job Lots

This form can be used for complete management (technical and economical) of workshop job lots.
During final accounting the form can be used to record the work carried out and the relevant times, indicating the persons or third party company that carried them out. Various information is stored in each job lot, including: problems solved, cost of labour, cost of materials used, costs for work carried out by third parties, stock used, invoices issued to third parties, equipment and tools required, documentation enclosed, test operations carried out, staff involved, working instructions. The information on operations carried out by the workshop staff can be transferred automatically from electronic detection systems, both fixed (located in the workshop) and portable (Hand-held PDA).
The latest references:
ACT Reggio Emilia
ACTT Treviso
AIR Avellino
ATAF Firenze
ATC La Spezia
ATCM Modena
ConeroBus Ancona
FTV Vicenza
Gruppo ARRIVA Italia
STP Trani-Bari
VCO Verbania
Involved in these projects:
The evolution of maintenance
ATM Ravenna S.p.A.
Maintenance in a Global Service regime
SAVIT S.r.l.