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Project list
Projects and solutions for the real world
Case studies
The strength of an organised network
iBus S.p.A.
Made-to-measure urban transport
Comune di Basiglio
Native integration of the entire ERP
FTV S.p.A.
Marche at the forefront
Regione Marche
History under the open sky
Trambus Open
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The strength of an organised network
iBus S.p.A.
Made-to-measure urban transport
Comune di Basiglio
Native integration of the entire ERP
FTV S.p.A.
Marche at the forefront
Regione Marche
History under the open sky
Trambus Open
An innovative multiservice sales network
ACTV Venezia
Evolved answers for monitoring
A.S.P. S.p.A.
The evolution of maintenance
ATM Ravenna S.p.A.
From paper ticket to electronic ticket
ATV Azienda Trasporti Verona
Optimised management of a bus terminal
Autostazione di Bologna S.p.A.
The warehouse hand-held terminal goes wireless
Dialogue between the various company areas
Trasporti Delta SRL
Maintenance in a Global Service regime
SAVIT S.r.l.
South Africa Stadium 2010 Project
Commissione Europea - DG Research
Pluservice srl
S.S. Adriatica Sud, 228/d
60019 Senigallia (AN) ITALY
P.IVA 01140590421
tel. +39 071 7999 61
fax +39 071 7999 680
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